Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

What is Chakra Analysis and Balancing?

The seven chakras are powerful vortexes of energy that represent our seven different levels of consciousness. Located along the spine from the root at the base of your spine up to the crown at the top of your head, they regulate physical, emotional, and spiritual functions. By bringing them into a balanced state, they can help us move from a lower self or unconscious state to a higher self or conscious state. When all these chakras are open and balanced, it allows energy to flow freely throughout our body, creating harmony between its internal systems. This balance is essential for us to experience true inner peace and well-being as well as staying connected with ourselves on a deeper level.

Root Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Root chakra (Muladhara)

This is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine. It is associated with stability, grounding, and survival.

Sacral Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

This is the second chakra, located in the lower abdomen. It is associated with creativity, emotions, and sensuality.

Solar Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

This is the third chakra, located in the upper abdomen. It is associated with personal power and self-confidence.

Heart Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

This is the fourth chakra, located in the center of the chest. It is associated with love, compassion, and acceptance.

Throat Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

This is the fifth chakra, located in the throat area. It is associated with communication and the expression of truth.

Third Eye Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

This is the sixth chakra, located between the eyebrows. It is associated with intuition and insight.

Crown Chakra Symbol for Balancing & Healing

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

This is the seventh chakra, located at the top of the head. It is associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer


We’ll assess each of your seven main chakras and identify any blockages or imbalances present to restore balance and harmony within you. Afterward, I’ll provide a personalized plan and toolkit tailored to you based on individual analysis and needs for restoring harmony. This plan will include holistic practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, color therapy, aromatherapy, sound therapy, yoga poses, mantras, and affirmations designed to help bring clarity and healing where you feel blocked or unbalanced. Additionally, I’ll provide practical advice, including dietary changes/supplements if needed to maintain chakra balance going forward.

You’ll receive a seven-chakra assessment after you book your appointment. Please complete it before our session to help me identify which chakras require the most attention.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

How a Chakra Analysis and Balancing session works

  • Our online session is one hour long and held via Zoom or phone.
  • After booking your session, you’ll receive a 7 Chakra Assessment to complete beforehand. This will help me identify which chakras need attention during our session.
  • During our session, we’ll discuss your assessment and assess each of your main seven chakras for any blockages or imbalances and identify the root cause of issues that may be occurring.
  • After our session, you’ll receive a personalized plan tailored to your analysis and needs to restore balance within the seven chakras. This includes holistic practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, color therapy, aromatherapy, sound therapy, yoga poses, mantras, and affirmations designed to bring clarity and healing where needed. I also provide practical advice, including dietary changes/supplements, if necessary.
7 Chakra Symbols for Balancing & Healing
Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

What a Chakra Analysis and Balancing can help with

Each individual chakra has its own purpose and, when we learn how each one works, we can open them more fully to access their healing power within us. Understanding the unique characteristics of each chakra helps us unlock any blockages and promote greater health and wellbeing in mind and body.

Cultivating awareness around how these energies affect our daily lives creates positive changes that lead to an empowered life full of joy and abundance! Unfortunately, stressful situations like trauma, stress or illness can block or imbalance these energetic points leading to physical and mental health problems. Balancing the seven major chakras regularly—through meditation, yoga, breathwork practices, and other techniques I will show you —is essential for wellbeing.

When the chakras are in balance, we can access more clarity and peace of mind by restoring harmony within ourselves so energy flows naturally throughout our bodies’ systems. This frees up stagnant energy that may have been causing physical discomfort or mental distress due to blocked channels in the body’s intricate network of energies. Taking care to balance all seven major chakras regularly will bring improved overall health benefits from head-to-toe!

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

Session offering / price

Individual Session: $222

Book Now


If you’re thinking about working with me, I invite you to book a free 15-minute consultation. During this time, we’ll meet and discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them. There’s no obligation to continue working together after our call.

As a coach and healer, my top priority is ensuring that my clients feel comfortable sharing their personal experiences with me. Therefore, it’s crucial for us to create a connection before diving into deep discussions. By getting to know each other better during our consultation, we can establish trust and rapport that will make future conversations more productive.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

Session offering / price

Individual Session: $222

Book Now


If you’re thinking about working with me, I invite you to book a free 15-minute consultation. During this time, we’ll meet and discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them. There’s no obligation to continue working together after our call.

As a coach and healer, my top priority is ensuring that my clients feel comfortable sharing their personal experiences with me. Therefore, it’s crucial for us to create a connection before diving into deep discussions. By getting to know each other better during our consultation, we can establish trust and rapport that will make future conversations more productive.