Law of Attraction


Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

How Law of Attraction Coaching Works

Law of Attraction Coaching will give you everything you need to take a quantum leap into the life of your dreams. My personalized coaching sessions are designed to help you access your inner power and use the energy of the universe to attract what you desire. You’ll learn how to manifest easily by aligning your thoughts and intentions with the Quantum Field, which taps into the unlimited potential of the universe. I will help you remove limiting beliefs, reprogram your subconscious mind, and balance your heart and brain for complete harmony. This creates a flow state that allows you to take Quantum Leaps!

The power of manifestation comes from balancing your heart and brain, which connect to the electromagnetic system that aligns you with the Quantum Field. By healing the limited programming in your subconscious mind, you can guide your heart towards what you truly want and become a magnet for everything with emotion. Balancing yourself with this frequency allows you to tap into your true potential, connect to your origin source, and create the reality you desire. Manifesting dreams into reality happens naturally when tuned to this ‘now’ frequency – the energy source which makes up who we are vibrating at our true potential.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer


My goal is to empower you with the tools and insights necessary for creating a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment. We’ll identify what’s blocking the flow of positive energy between you and your dreams, allowing them to manifest into reality.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer


  • Our online sessions are one hour long and fully flexible with your schedule. I hold them via Zoom or phone.

  • New clients must commit to a minimum package of 3 sessions, then you could book individual sessions as needed.

  • I recommend weekly sessions, but it’s up to you how often. Book individual sessions as needed or a block of 3, 6, or 9. We can plan when and how often your sessions take place.

  • After each session, I’ll follow up with an email containing tools, guides, and exercises tailored to your needs.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer
Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer


  • Manifest desires effortlessly

  • Manifest success and abundance in all areas of your life

  • Call in and come into harmonious union with your twin flame or soulmate

  • Tap into your soul’s true purpose in life
  • Experience ease and flow guided by intuition
Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

Happiness, success, love, freedom, and abundance don’t come from looking outside yourself; they come from changing within. As soon as you shift your inner vibration, your outer reality must reflect it – it’s universal law.

Sacred Gemetry for Christina Hermiz - Quantum Health Coach & Healer

Session offerings

Individual Session: $165

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3 Sessions $444

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6 Sessions $777

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9 Sessions $999

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“Manifestation begins with the willingness to make room in our beliefs for something that supposedly doesn’t exist. We create that ‘something’ through the force of consciousness and awareness.”

Gregg Braden


If you’re thinking about working with me, I invite you to book a free 15-minute consultation. During this time, we’ll meet and discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them. There’s no obligation to continue working together after our call.

As a coach and healer, my top priority is ensuring that my clients feel comfortable sharing their personal experiences with me. Therefore, it’s crucial for us to create a connection before diving into deep discussions. By getting to know each other better during our consultation, we can establish trust and rapport that will make future conversations more productive.